+65 9320 2657

Next roasts 8/14/29 Mar

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Pioneers Membership

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$15.00 Regular Price

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  • Product Info

    We’ll send you a different coffee every time. It might be an exciting new arrival, a unique micro-lot, a new blend we have, an exclusive coffee that won’t appear in our shops, or, of course, our current line up of coffees.

    Still the same, through our subscription, we hope to take you on a journey of coffee discovering how different profiles of coffee (origin, elevation, varietals, processing, roast levels) play a part in the cup of coffee you brew. 

    Subscribers can look forward to receiving a bag of coffee from 200-250g, or 2 bags of 100g - sometimes we like to let you compare and contrast the two roasts - depending on the coffee we have new that month. If it's a rare one, you may get less, but be sure to know it'll be a steal.

    Get the following as our (pioneer) subscriber:

    • Free delivery all the time
    • Get 10% off any coffee orders in our shop (everytime)
    • Get special discounts on our items from time to time
    • [Pioneers only] Get experimental roasts at least every 3 months or more