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Next roasts 5 /14 Sep 2024

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Java Pangalengan Wet Hulled

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$21.80 Regular Price

Weight  | 250g

  • Product Info

    About the Roast

    Roast will be sent out within a week of roasting. Next roast is the coming weekend (cut off on Friday 6pm) and will be sent out the following week's Monday.

    *Check our homepage for exact next roast date!

    A coffee that would be sorely underestimated by the mere fact of it being wet-hulled processed, but which we think have outstanding qualities, kudos to the farmers and producers, as well as the varietals used in this harvest. Give this a try, you'll open your coffee palate horizons and won't regret it. 

    Roasted for: Espresso
    Body: Medium
    Roast level: Light-Medium
    Tasting notes: Apricots, Red Grapefruit, Walnuts 

    Please note that the 500g / 1kg packaging comes in a white resealable valved bag. 

    About the beans

    Farmer: Agus Gunawan, Insan Sani (Sunda Kopi)
    Region: Bandung, West Java
    Varietal: S-795, Ateng Super, Andungsari, P88
    Process: Semi-washed Wet Hulled
    Altitude: 1300 - 1700 masl

    Wet cherries are collected, rinsed and pulped and fermented for 12-18 hours. After fermentation the parchment is dried to about 30% moisture. The coffee is then hulled at this moisture level in a special huller designed to hull wet parchment. The green beans are then dried to 12% moisture before milling. Milled to Grade 1 standard with no primary defects and less than 5 secondary defects for SCA standard. 

    Long overshadowed by the island to the north, Sumatra, which produces the vast majority of Indonesia's coffee crop, West Java, and Pangalengan in particular, have only recently begun to come into their own as a single origin for coffee. As recently as 2015 West Java coffee could only be marketed by being shipped to the main coffee port of Medan and blended with Sumatra coffee to be sold to the biggest coffee importers each requesting 15-30 containers in a single harvest season. It is a pity because the world was missing out this entire time. Sunda Kopi decided that if we were going to do wet hulled they should do it right. So here it is a single origin, high quality wet hulled coffee. 

    This lot of coffee was sourced as asalan, the name given to wet hulled coffee after it has been dried 4-7 days after hulling at around 30% moisture. The asalan is sold at anywhere from 13-15% moisture for further processing by an exporter. They noted citrus and herbs in this lot and saved it from an ignoble end as a commodity blender.

    In Indonesia, wet-hulled is a more common process due to the high rainfall and humid weathers. The Giling Basah – translated as wethulled – is a processing method predominantly used in Indonesia. The hull and husk are removed at a greater moisture level (20-25% humidity) and it requires a special machine strong enough to handle this type of processing. It is an accelerated way of drying the coffee, which takes much less time than other methods. If farmers used the dry method, the coffee would defect because of its high moisture content.

    Being at lower altitudes, the coffees from Indonesia usually have a heavier body and lower acidity. With the quality checks throughout the growing, harvesting and processing period and the support and training that Bright Java provides to the farmers, the coffee from the producer Sunda Kopi is one that is excellent with an origin from Indonesia.

    Sunda Kopi

    Agus Gunawan and Insan Sani both run Sunda Kopi who are the collectors of this lot. With a growing area of over 500 hectares dedicated to arabica cultivation with a potential production of 200 MT per year Sunda Kopi are respected collectors and wet processors. Smallholder farmers, who may own as little as 10-15 trees to several hectares under cultivation, usually sell their fresh cherries throughout the harvest season to producers like Sunda Kopi who then process the coffee down to asalan, parchment or dried natural pods. Located right in the middle of a huge government owned tea plantation, Sunda Kopi and their farmer neighbours are carving a great name for themselves. Bright Java then mills their coffee.

    With Bright Java's goal of holistic transformation of producer communities and being very purpose-driven in their practices, their visions aligns with ours and there was no doubt we wanted to work with such a group of people. 

    P.S. Sadly, this is our last coffee from Bright Java as they are exiting the market this year *cries*

    Excellent Varietals: S-795, Ateng Super, Andungsari, P88

    S795 (Selection-795) is a coffee cultivar important for being one of the first strains of C. arabica found to be resistant to coffee leaf rust (CLR).

    Ateng Super is a selection from a single dwarf tree found on a farm in Kecamatan Silih Narah, Aceh that produced well, and spread among farmers.

    The Andung Sari varietal is a hybrid coffee plant that is grown widely in Kayo Aro in the province of Jambi, Sumatra. It is a cross between the Caturra and HdT1343 varieties, and is known for its high yield and excellent cup profile. It is a dwarf plant, meaning it is relatively small in size, and it grows best at altitudes of 1,250 masl or higher.

    P88 is a Colombian Catimor that went to Thailand via Kenya, and is not widely planted in Indonesia. It can be found in some test gardens and was part of the 1980s Dutch variety trial in Aceh.